Levels of Service
HICMR offer 3 levels of Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Services depending on client requirements:
Level 1 Service: One off Healthcare Facility (HCF) Wide Review.
- Includes onsite Review and Report.
- This is a "One off / Stand-alone" activity.
Level 2 Service: Periodic HCF Wide Review.
- Includes periodic onsite Review and Report. This is an initial and Follow-up activity - frequency is determined by a period of time, as mutually agreed. e.g.initially annually for 2 years, then based on high risk area / HCF wide scores.
- Other inclusions:
- Policy Manuals and Toolkits.
- Advisory Service (i.e. general advice via the HICMR support desk).
- Client Portal and HARP access - provides access to Policy Manuals, RA Reports, Main Risks Summaries, Action Plans, Graphs, Newsletters, Information Sheets etc.
- Internal Audit / Practice Audit (IA / PA) Tools - to self-audit compliance between HICMR Reviews / Accreditation Surveys.
- Newsletters and Information Sheets.
- Adverse Event management - if required.
- Nb. This service is dependent on current access to HICMR IPC Policy Manuals, and does not include IPC Consultancy Services.
Level 3 Service: IPC Consultancy Services, Including Sequential Risk Assessment (RAs) by Individual Speciality / Service.
- Incudes onsite Consultancy Services such as IPC advice 24/7 via Pager Service and Support Desk, e.g. Incident Management (Adverse Events / Near Misses) and Infection Outbreak Management; attendance at IPC Meetings; assistance with IPC Surveillance and Reports; Blood and Body Fluid Exposure Incident (BBFEI) Management; and other support to comply with NSQHSS / ACHS/ISO / Health Dept / Other regulatory bodies.
- Also includes Sequential RAs by Dept / Speciality Areas. This is an initial and follow-up activity - frequency is determined by compliance scores achieved / or period of time based on high risk areas scores.
- Other Inclusions:
- Policy Manuals and Toolkits.
- Client Portal and HARP access - provides access to Policy Manuals, RA Reports, Main Risks Summaries, Action Plans, Graphs, Newsletters, Information Sheets etc.
- IA / PA Tools to self-audit compliance between HICMR RAs / Accreditation Surveys.
- Newsletters and Information Sheets.
- Nb. This service is dependent on current access to HICMR IPC Policy Manuals.