HICMR provides Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Management Services to national clients. The company has been involved in the successful implementation and maintenance of many IPC Programs in the public and private healthcare sectors. Currently, HICMR consult to over 200 healthcare facilities (HCFs) in Australia, comprising over 19,000 beds.
HICMR are able to provide assistance with the development and management of a comprehensive facility-wide IPC Risk Management Program across a broad range of healthcare facilities, based on state, national and other relevant standards and guidelines.
HICMR also support the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare (ACSQHC) focus on minimisation of Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs), and provide our clients with products and services to meet the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHSS), Standard 3: Preventing and Controlling Infections Standard.